Potential rise in water rates to be revisited in February

Village hasn’t increased rates annually as IRWA recommends, but it could



ROBERTS — For the first time in at least 20 years, the village’s water system fund finished the last fiscal year in the black — with a surplus of $3,437 — but that does not mean another rate increase will not occur when the new fiscal year begins this May.

The Illinois Rural Water Association recommends an annual water-rate increase of 3-5% to stay ahead of inflation and general increased costs — something the village has not done in the past, according to Village President Matt Vaughan. A loan the village obtained for new water meters through Government Capital also requires an annual review of the town’s water rates, which the village board began at Monday night’s meeting, Vaughan said.

According to Vaughan, the village billed $115,316 in invoices for water service in 2024 compared with total water-related expenses of $111,879, but the small surplus is still just short of the IRWA’s projection that the new water meters installed in summer 2022 would generate an additional $18,000 in annual water revenue.

“The village board will review the potential rate increases again at the February meeting before making a decision,” Vaughan said.

For perspective, Illinois American Water Co. — which owns and operates many municipal water systems, including in Champaign/ Urbana — has imposed a 20% rate increase this year by increasing base rates by $24 per month per account, Vaughan noted.

In other water-related news from Monday’s village board meeting, Vaughan said he donated signs to the village that will be used to alert residents to when hydrant flushing is occurring and boil orders are issued. Vaughan said he was alerted by several residents about some inaccurate information posted on a local Facebook page about a water-main break and subsequent boil order that never occurred. Vaughan noted that if residents want facts instead of gossip, they should follow the village’s official Facebook page: “Village of Roberts Information & Events.”

Other business

Also at Monday’s village board meeting: n The board voted unanimously to accept a $4,217 bid from RTD Auto Repair of Roberts — the lowest of two received — for the replacement of the transmission of a 2009 Ford F350 truck owned by the village. The repairs are expected to occur within the next month. The only other bidder was Hicks Motor Sales of Roberts, for $6,311. n Roberts Gym Board President Jacob Veach said Paige Devall will serve as the gym board’s treasurer, in addition to her monthly duties as gym schedule coordinator. Veach also said there were about 40 tickets still available for purchase for the Roberts Gym’s annual cash bash fundraiser to be held Saturday, Feb. 8, at the Roberts Gym. n Ordinance enforcement officer Ashley Viner said she issued two warnings in the last month — one for a barking dog and the other for a resident burning trash in their yard. Viner also noted that Jeremy Bishop has not paid his fine for loose dogs and that his past-due invoice will be turned over to attorney Justin Bruner for legal action. n Vaughan said he has updated his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Open Meeting Acts (OMA) certifications.